Happy Thanksgiving #SeeTheGood
When you're in the business of gratitude, Thanksgiving is your high holiday. Our World Gratitude Map has been capturing moments of gratitude around the world for more than 5 years, visited by folk in more than 100 countries. Two things we've learned: 1, There is ALWAYS something good to see once you decide to#SeeTheGood. 2. The worse things are going, the harder it is to think of reasons to be grateful. But the worse things are going, the more IMPORTANT it is. You each deserve the ease that gratitude can bring you, especially when life is dishing out more than your fair share.
Today we're grateful for the people in our lives-you. Maybe we don't tell you enough but we're glad you're here. We see how hard you work, all you do, We see how you keep going when things are rough, and how you most always try to do your best. Watching you guys is what keeps us going so, thanks for that. Thanks for helping keep our eyes on all that's good and beautiful and possible in the world. Happy Thanksgiving. Now go tell somebody else what they mean to you.
Today we're grateful for the people in our lives-you. Maybe we don't tell you enough but we're glad you're here. We see how hard you work, all you do, We see how you keep going when things are rough, and how you most always try to do your best. Watching you guys is what keeps us going so, thanks for that. Thanks for helping keep our eyes on all that's good and beautiful and possible in the world. Happy Thanksgiving. Now go tell somebody else what they mean to you.
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