37 Conversation Starters (featuring World Gratitude Map)

"Folks are more likely to connect with you if you are real, authentic, flawed like the rest of us." —Jacqueline Lewis, founder of the World Gratitude Map

"Sometimes the quickest way to make another person comfortable is to be vulnerable yourself. At a cocktail party? Tell the person next to you, 'I don't know a soul here. It's so hard to talk to strangers.' On a flight? Tell your seatmate, 'Flying makes me a little nervous.' Folks are more likely to connect with you if you are real, authentic, flawed like the rest of us." —Jacqueline Lewis, founder of the World Gratitude Map, a crowd-sourcing project and online map that encourages users to document and celebrate the good things in life, and author of Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone. See more tips here: 37 Conversation Starters that Make You Instantly Interesting


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